steak and pho stir fry over quinoa

stuff to use:
leftover pho (broth, tofu, and mung beans--i’m saving the basil for something else :)
leftover steak
leftover chinese food peanuts and sauce
ok so this was a no-brainer.  stir fry ahoy!  and we still have chard.....i almost forget, perfect!
i planned on rice for this, but the rice hadn’t been opened yet and there’s a nice big bag of quinoa that remains moth-free so i was compelled to use some.  i took the pho broth and measured it by the cup (as both rice and quinoa are a 1:2 water ratio, i believe), getting one full cup and a partial one, which i filled the rest of the way with water.  
i put the quinoa and broth on to boil and then simmer with a lid (tho i really don’t know exactly how to do liquid and time--it’ll get soft!  just don’t let it burn :) and put on some chopped red and yellow pepper and onion (the usual....i know!)
i rare-ly cook with meat (get it get it??) but we had some leftover from dinner with the folks and it didn’t take too much talent to chop up the whatever-it-was and toss it in the pan, along with some garlic and bragg’s, the mung beans and tofu, and of course the peanuts!  oh my god did it smell good :)  when everything seemed “cooked” i chopped up the chard and stirred it in (remember greens generally need more frequent stirring than other veggies) and that was pretty much it!  i like my greens a little more “rare” than will, but we compromise and i make sure they aren’t left at all tough or fibrous. 
steak and pho stir fry over quinoa
this was really, really, really good!  one of my finest ;)  and almost everything was salvaged leftovers from something else.  awesome!!
approximate price: $5

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