Creamy Garlic Cauliflower Soup

                             Before....                                                              After! :)

Ok, wisdom teeth out = a little brutal.  The teeth themselves were fine (black as they were).  I virtually had no pain during or after, just the intense discomfort of knowing that there were sizable bloody holes in my mouth, but I was so paranoid about keeping them clean and free of food that I wouldn’t chew anything for over a week.  Even with yogurt and ice cream I kept it contained inside my teeth for fear the it would do damage to the tender areas.

My sweetie’s mom saved my butt more than once (and my stomach) by sending me home with potato soup, and fixing super soft meals that I could eat in less than graceful smooshing fashion.  Left on my own though I was pretty much eating yogurt with maple syrup, and miso soup, and going seriously hungry.

I was reading an article about how the recommended daily amount of sugar is not to exceed 20 grams, and realizing three things: 1) that’s impossibly low, 2) the actual average stated (100-something) was also impossibly low (2 cans of soda--or anything else and you’re there) and 3) I had blown that number out of the sugar soaked water that day (maple syrup has 53 grams per 3 tablespoons or something insane like that).

Short story: I was craving vegetables, for God’s sake something healthy.  I figured the blender was a good place to start.

I steamed some cauliflower (cut into bite sized florets) for a bit longer than I normally would until they were soft under a fork and put them into the blender along with an avocado, a few spoonfuls of plain yogurt, apparently enough garlic to kill a horse (I did not realize this at the time), a few spoonfuls of Mama’s Miracle Dressing, some fresh basil and a small amount of water (just enough to make it blend).

This turned out so absolutely, splendidly delicious.  I mean, we’re talking fancy restaurant soup that you pay $8 a bowl for (ok, so those are the fancy restaurants I go to....$10 a bowl?...twelve??....)  I ate it both warm and cold and both were wonderful.  I bet a garnish would be nice too, which I can eat next time I make it :)

Creamy Garlic Cauliflower Soup

Approximate price: $5

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