Cabbage Wraps with Garlic Carrots

I got the idea for cabbage wraps from a coworker several years ago, and I’m a big fan because A) it doesn’t involve something bready and B) since the cabbage itself is spherical, the leaves naturally roll up nice and small on the edges, leaving the middle to bulge up with as much delicious stuff as you like!

I’ve made them raw for lunchtimes, with more fresh veggies and dressing, as well as steamed them up for dinner with something a little heartier inside.  The only tricky part is getting the leaves separated from the head without tearing them to bits.  The outermost layers tend to be the easiest, but I’ve found that severing them at the base and pulling carefully from there works pretty good.  And even if they rip you can make smaller wraps ;)

We had some leftover grits from Will’s mama, cooked with onion and bits of bacon.  I added a bit of garlic and butter, as refrigerating and reheating have a tendency to dry things out.

Easy, easy dinner!  I steamed the cabbage leaves for about 7 minutes.  There must be a sweet spot in there, where the leaves are no longer crunchy, but they still hold together and the hefty “spine” isn’t too tough.  I spooned the grits into the cabbage and rolled ‘em on up, garnishing with a few spoonfuls of pecan chipotle pesto I had saved from my breakfast bagel that morning.  (Our waitress was more than happy to bring me a tiny to go sauce container :)

The wraps were served with farm fresh carrots cooked up with olive oil, garlic and nutritional yeast.

cabbage wraps with garlic carrots

approximate price: $5

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